基于深度学习的自动化专利分析和监控工具,可提高专利检索的准确性和质量。Octimine 还具有专利环境分析功能,定期检查有助于您掌握最新趋势和知识产权资产预算。
了解 Octimine 检索Everyday IP: Paws, claws and IP laws
Explore the world of pet IP to discover the patents behind some of your furry friends' favorite innovations.
A long time in the making: patent, trademark and copyright news
Discover how patent trends, trademark disputes and copyright questions reveal market dynamics and highlight the long-term value of innovation.
Taking a bite out of IP law: exploring two EUIPO snack cases
Learn about recent legal cases concerning trademarks and registered Community designs.
IP trends in the pharmaceutical industry
Take a closer look at some of the top pharmaceutical trends and how IP is driving and being driven by these changes.
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